This is a photo of my son, who is a great cook (like his mom). Last year he was an amateur chef for Kitchen Confidential.
Kitchen Confidential is a bus tour of fabulous kitchens in Lubbock. Each of the five homes on the tour feature a chef or two- pro and am, wine and/or coffee tastings, beautifully decorated dining and breakfast tables, fresh flower arrangements, and an astounding assortment of wonderful food to sample. All of the considerable funds raised are used to support the Kids Cafe program.
This year we invited some of our Kids Cafe kids to come to the Kick Off party. At first they were pretty awed by the lovely big home they were visiting. Me, too. Then they relaxed and reverted to their natural state- running, playing in the game room, and stuffing their faces. Me, too.
What a contrast to the homes they had come from- working parent or parents, not enough food or money to go around, and an uncertain future- more immediate- an uncertain tomorrow. One kid couldn't come because his mom had forgotten and left him home alone with little brothers and sisters.
Kids Cafes do a little bit to help these situations. We entice kids to come to safe places to eat a balanced meal with caring adults around.
Years ago when I was in the field of drug and alcohol abuse prevention, it was researched and found to be true over and over: children who choose not to use drugs do so because of the consistent presence of a compassionate adult in their lives- someone other than a stressed-out, overworked parent or grandparent or aunt.
Consider becoming one of those adults. Or send us money to open more Kids Cafes. Or buy a Kitchen Confidential ticket next year. Thanks.