The CAKE ladies were asked to deliver the 6 dozen Charity Cupcakes to the teachers of Whiteside Elementary School located on Albany Ave. just off Slide Road in Lubbock.
This very generous person was listening to Chad Hasty on KFYO radio when he was talking about the recent Lubbock DJ who took money for a fake charity. This person decided something should be done for a DJ and a small business (CAKE cupcakery) who are serious about helping children in need!
This compassionate person is a fan of the Chad Hasty Show, CAKE cupcakery, and the Tasty Hasty cupcakes. So, the decision was made to help feed the hungry children of the South Plains.
So one very deranged DJ has unwittingly set the kind hearted of Lubbock into action - ending hunger one child at a time!
Since 100 percent of the sale of the Tasty Hasty ( and Saturday's Charity Cupcakes, too) goes to Kids Cafe - this donor has provided 40 hot meals for children after school.