Friday, April 21, 2006

Lend a hand to support the Good Sam Act

The story of the good Samaritan tells of the kindness of a stranger to a man in need. The volunteers and donors who give time, talent, food and money are modern day good Samaritans. Last year, the Good Samaritan Hunger Relief Tax Incentive Act (Senate Bill 94) was introduced in Congress as a way to encourage the good Samaritians in our midst to donate food to agencies -- such as the South Plains Food Bank and Breedlove Dehydrated Foods -- that are feeding the hungry. If passed this bill will be of great benefit to the farmers and food manufacturers who are already such generous donors. If would allow them to deduct some of the fair market value of the fresh produce and processed foods they donate rather than the actual cost of the goods. Under the Good Sam law, they might afford to do more!

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