Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hats off to Tancquasha Brown

The Carolyn Lanier South Plains Food Bank Youth Farm is the home for GRUB (Growing Recruits for Urban Businesses). In addition to growing food for the hungry, GRUB offers young people a chance to grow up. Several of the young people involved with GRUB are considered "at risk" although I'm not sure what that term really means. To me, these teens have found a place where they are accepted and a place where they can make a difference. Tancquasha Brown is one of our GRUB Kids who is making a difference. Here's a story about her that recently appeared in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal. Tancquasha made it to the Lubbock AJ Editorial Page in the March 11 edition. It's amazing what happens when plants and kids receive a little TLC!

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