Monday, July 03, 2006

Target's "Day of Giving"

On Thursday, Target stores celebrated their annual "Day of Giving." Each year, Target stores across the nation spend their "Day of Giving" volunteering at local organizations to give back to the community.

Our Lubbock Target store decided to volunteer with the South Plains Food Bank. Six Target employees spent three hours at the food bank making freezer boxes and dry food boxes that will be distributed to the Lubbock community. They showed up Thursday morning ready to work hard, and proved to be a huge help to the food bank. They were able to make three full pallets of freezer boxes in three hours. This is approximately 216 boxes to be distributed. On average, the food bank is able to finish three pallets in a day.

It was nice to see hard-working Target employees use their free time to volunteer. They were eager to participate and not only volunteered, but were happy to do so. They came ready to help and had an upbeat attitude that carried through the food bank. We enjoyed having them out for their "Day of Giving," and always appreciate our helpful volunteers.

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