Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You are what you eat?

I'm sure we've all seen those commercials for the cereal that claims to help kids think during the school day. It came on the other night and I got to thinking about the food we eat and how it effects us on a daily basis. Now, I'm not sure how much eating one type of cereal will help us concentrate during the day but I do know that I can tell when I've been eating good and when I've been eating poorly. 

I know I've blogged about nutrition before but I think it's something that is worth mentioning again. It can be so hard and so expensive to eat well. We have so many foods that are synthetic and chemically altered. If we take time to think about it, we know they aren't good for us, it just tastes so good to us! But what if we truly are what we eat?!?!  I think I would be mostly carbs and fruits. Granted, I have switched to whole grains so I'd be a giant whole grain carb! I digress, but what about all the grease and fast food that we eat because it's convenient and cheap. What about the family whose only option is the cheapest option. I have the luxury of making a healthy choice and yet I don't always. Some people don't even have the option. Unless we do something about it. Unless we help them by giving, not just food, but healthy food. 

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