Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Give A Little Time, Feed A Lot

I always love hearing about the food bank's programs. I know them, I've heard about what they do and who they serve over and over again. Yet, it's a story I don't get tired of hearing. It reminds me of why we do what we do at the South Plains Food Bank. It reminds of why we have months designated as Hunger Action Month. Last week, I talked about how we can advocate for the hungry by lending our voices and simply informing people about the issues caused by hunger and giving them ways to get involved.

This week I'm going to talk about "lending a little time" to feed a lot. Food banks operate, not only on monetary and food donations, but on the time individuals donate as well. We simply could not get the food out to our clients as fast or as efficiently if we did not have a volunteer base. We are always open to more volunteers -- we will put you to work! Volunteering can mean a lot of different things. We have people who give weekly to answer the phones, people who faithfully come to our monthly Saturday Work Days, and people who give their time for certain food drives throughout the year.

We have all been blessed with unique personalities and talents. When we utilize those parts of who we are to help others, it is win-win for everyone. Not only are we helping others but we are giving of ourselves and there is certain satisfaction that comes with getting outside ourselves and doing something for someone else. As I've said before, we were meant to live in community and when we practice that things seem to run just a little bit more smoothly.

Check out our volunteer page on our website and see where you think you might fit! We'd love to see you!

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