Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Simple Food

You know I have come to realize that I come from the country even though I grew up only three blocks South of FM 1585 and Interstate 27 right here in Lubbock! In talking to my housemate over the holidays I figured out that my family are simple people who enjoy simple food. Over the her Christmas vacation we managed to introduce her to snow ice cream, Martha Washington candy, homemade cactus jelly, and homemade pancakes (not from a box) with chocolate syrup! We have others, too, that we plan to subject her to in 2010! While I say we like simple food, we also like good food. My mother calls Burger King "The Burger King" and has never had a Taco Bell burrito! She is a great cook, like her parents, so while my family has perfected a simple fare like red beans in a crock pot my mother doesn't care for "fast food" much. She will slave over canning fresh black eyed peas, which I shell every year because I am the fastest sheller in my family, rather than purchase store cans of the little peas! She would rather shuck fresh corn and freeze it than to buy the little ears already in the frozen section of a supermarket! So while we are a simple people who enjoy simple food, there is nothing simple in the old fashioned arts of canning, shelling, and shucking!

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