Friday, November 20, 2009

Standing with. . .

The difficult lesson I am still learning is 'standing with.' When people are suffering, are hungry, or in need I just want to rush in and get them through their obstacles - over their troubles. And I weep when I feel I cannot end or make better their circumstances. But what I have discovered on my personal journey is that just standing with people right in the middle of their suffering, hunger, grief, or burden creates such a refuge for them in the midst of their storm. In my own storm now, I take comfort in our friends who are standing with us. Those of you who support the work we do here at the Food Bank and through our agencies, please know that the food box they get is hope. And through that food box, we are standing with that single parent or grandparent, that client who just lost their job, the sick, and the elderly. While we all wish we could make the storm go away, know that you are offering comfort in a box. You are standing with.

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