Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tour and Lunch

I survived my first U Can Share Food Drive and now I must confess. . . I got sick! Yes, I am not near as tough as everyone else who was out there braving the blistering winds, ice, and well all the other weather we had that Tuesday alone! So I took a few days off this week to recover. But now I am looking forward to tomorrow. It is our monthly tour and box lunch. First let me just say that Sheila and Brandon make a beautiful box lunch - so this not just some cold sandwich thrown together! Second, I have not been to one of our luncheons yet where I haven't been moved and gained an even greater understanding of why we come to work every day, why Darryle stands out on the dock giving out food boxes without regard to the freezing weather, and why so many of you donate your voice, your time, your food, and your money to assist us in our mission to alleviate hunger and give hope to the hungry. Join us any third Thursday of the month at noon and let us show you around. I think you will be moved as well. Call Karen at 763-3003 to r.s.v.p. I'll save you a place!

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