Monday, October 19, 2009


When I was a little girl, I remember going to a local meat market on Ave. Q. The place has closed, but I have fond memories of the shop. My mom would order a few items and while we were waiting someone would hand me a slice of cheese or bologna. Our white butcher paper wrapped order would be sacked up and we would head home. I remember that many times we would see the owner around town and he would tell us to come in, that he had something for us. I was too little to understand that most of the time he was giving us the food, or that someone else had paid for the food on our behalf. But I remember my mom, a single mother, would always take whatever we got and she would take some out and share it with someone else she knew was in need of food. As an adult I have come to realize that my mom is a product of growing up here on the South Plains. People here are just different. We care about one another. YOUR kindness and caring are valuable to us here at the Food Bank. We are proud to be part of such a compassionate and giving community.

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