Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Neighbors in Need

Some of you following for the last few weeks have discovered that I not only work here at the Food Bank, but I am also a return client. For my 19 month-old son and I there just always seems to be more month than there is money to go around. Today was my interview to renew my food stamps. We have been receiving food stamps for about a year now. But I noticed something different today as I waited in the lobby for my appointment. The lines are longer. Two lines instead of just one. More windows are open. Four windows instead of just two. Standing room only where there used to be plenty of chairs. Of course fewer rows of chairs to make more room for the additional line and longer lines. I watched two older gentlemen greet one another. One said to the other, "When did you get laid off?" I didn't hear the answer, but the first fellow replied, "I know, I was with them for going on 20 years." The faces were different, too. It seemed to me like there were more elderly folks than I have ever seen before. Usually I see women and children without any adult male, but seemed like more men were with them today. More people spoke to each other than usual. It seemed like we all realized . . . we are neighbors in need. I came back to the office thankful that I am a part of an organization that helps my neighbors in need.

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