Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Around the Corner

My grandmother is a fabulous cook! Any chance I get to eat a meal at her house you can set me a place. She was one of 16 kids - no twins. So she grew up picking cotton and helping her mother and sisters around the house and in the kitchen. I'm not sure when she and I started our little Thanksgiving tradition, but we have one. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving I show up early at her house and help her chop up everything she needs for the dressing and gibblet gravy. She has usually taken the pecan pies out of the oven just before I arrive - the house always smells of her delicious treats. Then I help crumble the cornbread for the dressing. When everything is done and the table wiped down we sit down and play a mean game of gin or blow-it. We have a great time the day before Thanksgiving. Then Thursday rolls around - everyone stuffs themselves and has leftovers later in the day. It took us two days to prepare for a meal that was eaten in less than two hours. But we here at the Food Bank are already starting to look ahead to Thanksgiving. In the past, we have served about 700-800 clients during Thanksgiving week. We feel like that number will be higher this year. So please consider volunteering on one of our Saturday work days in November. You may register on line at http://www.spfb.org/ or by calling 763-3003. We would love to have you join us as we prepare to serve the hungry in our community.

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